How to Opt Out of Intelius, &
Other Top People Search Sites
From names, addresses, phone numbers and work histories to marital status, property records,
court docs and more, big parts of our lives are available on the web – whether we like it or not.
And while a lot of that information is placed there willingly (think Facebook, LinkedIn, and
other social sites), even more can be found in public records, providing hundreds of data brokers
free rein to collect, aggregate and sell your sensitive data to anyone searching your name.
But while people search engines work nonstop to find and advertise your sensitive info, all hope
is not lost. In fact, you do have options for retaking control of your data, your personal privacy
and your family’s online safety.
Here’s a look at how to opt out of Intelius,, White Pages and other top people
search sites – and take a major step toward a safer, more positive online reputation.